Conditions for participation in WCF BEST CAT


  • WCF Best Cat is available to adults, neuters, kittens, veterans, and household cats each year.
  • WCF Best Cat is a ranking system in which every cat can participate. The results of WCF shows are taken into account, and points are collected over the current year for the respective cat.
  • Participation in WCF Best Cat is voluntary, free of charge, and equally open to every exhibitor.
  • This competition is open to any exhibitor participating in WCF shows.
  • The show season always starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year.
  • If you want your cat to take part in Best Cat, please register as a competition participant at You must create a profile and register the cat in question.
  • You can create a profile for any cat that is recognized by the WCF.
  • Non-WCF recognized cats cannot participate in the ranking.
  • Please enter all information truthfully. If Best Cat Support discovers any discrepancies, the results will be checked, and sanctions will be taken if necessary. In the event of willful fraud, the cat may be excluded from the ranking.
  • The interim results are regularly updated on The prerequisite for this is that the organizing WCF clubs enter the show results into the Best Cat system. Please check with the club beforehand whether it enters the show results in the Best Cat Show System. WCF-Best-Cat cannot be held responsible/liable for the entry of the results.
  • If you as an owner or WCF club need help or have questions, please contact WCF-Best-Cat Support.

Scoring of the Ranking:

  • For kittens, juniors and neutered kittens and neutered juniors only the 14 best daily results are counted.
  • For adults, neuters, and household cats, only the 24 best daily results are counted.
  • Household pets, LH and KH, compete together in this competition for the Best Household Pet.
  • The daily result is calculated from the sum of the points that a cat receives:
    • In traditional judging,
    • By participating in a WCF-Ring,
    • The placement in the WCF-Ring and the number of cats beaten in the WCF Ring.
  • The results of the cats must be reported by the WCF clubs by January 15 of the following year at the latest, otherwise, they will not be evaluated.
  • The final results of the previous year will be published by April 1 of the following year.

WCF Best Cat Winner

  • 1st-15th place for adults
  • 1st-15th place for kittens
  • 1st-10th place for neuters
  • 1st-10th place for veterans
  • 1st-10th place for household cats

WCF Best Cat National Winner

  • 1st-3rd place for adults in the respective country
  • 1st-3rd place for kittens in the respective country
  • less Copy code
  • 1st-3rd place for neuters in the respective country
  • 1st-3rd place for veterans in the respective country
  • 1st-3rd place for household cats in the respective country

WCF Best Cat Breed Winner

  • 1st - 3rd place for adults of the respective breed
  • 1st-3rd place for kittens of the respective breed
  • 1st-3rd place for neuters of the respective breed
  • 1st-3rd place for veterans of the respective breed

No other WCF exhibitions are licensed on this show date.

Every WCF-Full member can apply for the show, which will also be marked in the show calendar.

The WCF-Best-Cat and the WCF e.V. take no responsibility for the correctness of the entered show results. The respective organizing club is responsible for the correct entry of the show results.

Correction of Show Results

  • The WCF e.V./WCF-Best-Cat reserves the right to correct the entered results based on the submitted show documents at any time, but at the latest by February 28 of the previous year.
  • In individual cases, show results can be added by Best Cat Support if the participants submit the correctly issued show certificates by email.

Fraud through Manipulation

  • The WCF e.V./WCF-Best-Cat reserves all rights:
  • To take measures/sanctions in case of obvious fraud or manipulation of the ranking.
  • In the case of a gross offense, we (WCF e.V./WCF-Best-Cat) reserve the right to remove exhibitors/cats from the ranking list. This will be done in consultation with the WCF Board and the Chairperson of the WCF Show and Disciplinary Commission.